Q. Do I have to do all of the walk?

A. Not at all. You can do as much or as little as you like. Some people like to walk 9 Mile Beach into Forster and stopp after breakfast. Others start here and finish at One Mile Surf club. Do what you feel comfortable with.

Q. How will COVID- 19 impact on the walk?

A. The short answer is that we really don’t know. We will do our best to keep everyone informed regarding the current recommendations but we will do our utmost to ensure that everyone is safe, healthy and happy. Providing your phone number will allow us to keep in touch easily.

Q. Can I just donate money?

A. We would love you to. If you are unable or unwilling to walk, we would still love to take your money. Click here for all the details of the account numbers.

Q. Where does the money go?

A. Forty dollars from all adult entry fees will go directly to Forster Surf Lifesaving Club. The remaining $10 will be used to provide support on the day for all walkers, including all food and drink and even a T- Shirt.

Q. How do I get to the start?

A. We are working on getting a bus to help transport people to the start line. Stay tuned for more details. Previously, we have also used our facebook page to connect people who might like to car pool. If all else fails, you are sure to find someone during the walk to drive you back at the end to pick up your car if you leave it there.